by Ray Sizemore | Apr 23, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
I often ask couples this question – when both parties are unhappy and stressed out – and I get some surprising responses. Typically, however, both have confused looks and are at a loss for words. And then we go a bit deeper along the lines of “You’re both attractive...
by Ray Sizemore | Apr 23, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
I’ts quiz time. I’ve talked about six stages of a long-term supportive relationship. Which one of these diagrams do you think represents the better relationship? Many people have told me over the years that the right diagram is best. For them it represents...
by Ray Sizemore | Apr 22, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
I’ve ridden one merry go round that had a brass ring. The object was to grab the ring as went past and win the ultimate prize. And that leads to me to the ultimate prize in relationships, the sixth stage. Acceptance is the sixth and final stage in a committed...
by Ray Sizemore | Apr 22, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
Has the gloss worn off your relationship? I’ve talked about four stages in relationships so far – romantic love, adjusting to reality, the power struggle, and re-evaluation. These stages are not necessarily linear or an A-B-C type progression. It is possible to...
by Ray Sizemore | Apr 22, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
Is this the person I really want to stay with? Re-evaluation is the fourth stage in relationship development. Webster’s says re-evaluation involves the action of assessing or evaluating something again or differently. We often consciously re-evaluate different aspects...
by Ray Sizemore | Apr 22, 2019 | Couples, Relationships
Do you want the key to a mutually satisfying relationship? The third stage of relationships, after romantic love and adjusting to reality, is often a power struggle. Disagreements deepen and become more frequent and minor annoyances become major irritants. This can be...