Just For Fun
First City Art Center, Pensacola, FL
Alternative Mental Health
Emma McAdam – Therapy in a Nutshell website
Emma McAdams – Therapy in a Nutshell YouTube
Energy Muse – Healing Crystals
Functional and Integrative Medicine
Healing Crystals – Moonrise Crystals
Loads of content here but, in Julie’s words, “Please use wisdom when considering crystal therapies for healing.”
ISEP – International Society for Ethical Psychology & Psychiatry
Loads of content on Julia’s website and YouTube about boundaries, communication, assertiveness, emotions, anxiety, stress and more. Worth the time to explore.
Lots of interesting content on Karla’s website and YouTube about emotions and empathy
Sensory Processing Disorder – Wikipedia
Sensory Processing Disorder – questionnaires /links
Florida Health and Wellness Institute
Christina Lopes – Spiritual Awakening
Attachment Styles and Close Relationships
Put on Your Atttachment Hat & Change Your Romantic Attachment Style
Relationship Attachment Part 1: Attachment Theory and Attachment Styles
Attachment in Relationships Part 2: How It Looks and What to Do
Still Face #1: Child / Couple Contrast- Bids For Connection
The child in this video is making bids for connection with the mom. In the couple, the woman is making the same bids for connection with her partner. The partner in the end does make overtures to the woman but these overtures are not apologies and he does not name or claim his behavior, and he makes no effort to change himself. Rather, he is seeking sympathy, blames others, and then tables the issue. He is dodging his accountability and responsibility which will perpetuate the issue.
Still Face #2: Phone and Texting
Here we have a mom (sister, aunt, babysitter, etc.) with a child and focused on her cellphone rather than the child who is making bids for connection with the adult.
Still Face #3: Original experiment with Dr. Ed Tronik
Personal Boundaries Explained – Hae Su
Setting Boundaries with Difficult People – Julia
This is Why You Can’t Keep Your Boundaries – Julia
#1 Reason People Don’t Set Boundaries – Emma
I’m listening. Wait, what did you say?
Domestic Violence
Favor House (Escambia, Santa Rosa counties)
Shelter House (Okaloosa, Walton counties)
National Domestic Violence Resources
Jackson Katz – Violence Against Women Is a Men’s Issue
Resources for LGBTQ2S and Non-Binary Survivors of Violence
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
Office of Violence Against Women
What is EMDR? EMDR Stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Routine. EMDR was developed in the 1980’s to deal with past traumas and PTSD. So how does it work? Honestly, no one knows. But multiple controlled studies show that EMDR can be a very fast and effective way to address trauma and PTSD as well as a variety of other problems like depression, anxiety, grief, and more. We use two basic forms here – conventional and FLASH.
EMDR International Association
Integrative Trauma Treatment (Linda Curran)
The FLASH Technique – Dr. Philip Manfield
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, interpret, demonstrate, control, evaluate, and use emotions to communicate with and relate to others effectively and constructively. Many of us never learned how to express and control our own emotions while growing up, and we never learned how to understand, interpret and respond to the emotions of others. We too often learned to be afraid of our own and others’ emotions, and we now avoid emotions like the plague. However, we can get better at it. It’s never too late to start.
6 Steps to Improve Your Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence Skills and How to Develop Them
Empaths & HSP’s (highly sensitive people)
Empaths are those who have been gifted with the ability to detect, read, and process the energy around them. Empowered empaths do this by choice while disempowered empaths too often feel overwhelmed by the energy around them without understanding what is happening.
Am I An Empath? The Top 16 Signs
How To Thrive As An Empath: No More Struggling
#1 How to Survive as a Sensitive Empath
#2 How to Become a Powerful Empath
This Keeps 90% of Spiritual People Trapped
Empathy is giving someone our full attention, listening between their words to their emotions so they feel fully heard, understood and gotten. In sympathy we hear the surface words and then (too often) offer our own experience(s), teach, try to fix the other’s problems, etc. Many of us get these definitions backwards.
Conversely, people feel empathy is “understanding” the other’s emotions. That mindset can be insulting – no one can get inside another’s mind, know their memories and “feel” the emotions that person is feeling. We don’t try that here. We strive to hear our clients.
Mirror Neurons and Empathy- Dan Siegal
Reimaging Empathy: The Transformative Nature of Empathy – Paul Parkin
Sympathy vs. Empathy – Brene Brown
Energy Work
Official EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)
American Counseling Association (ACA) Code of Ethics
Marriage & Family Therapy (AAMFT) Code of Ethics
Social Work (NASW) Code of Ethics
Find a Therapist (Therapists & Licensing)
Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling
IFS (Internal Family Systems) Institute
Intro to IFS – Richard Schwartz
Overview of IFS – Richard Schwartz
LGBTQ & Religion
Unitarian Universalist Church of Pensacola
Homosexuality in the World’s Religions
What Does the Bible Really Say
Homosexuality in Western Culture
Mindfulness & Meditations
Common Sense Parenting – Boys Town
Positive Parenting with a Plan (P3) – Family Rules – Matthew Johnson
Positive Parenting – Family Rules
International Center for Excellence in Emotionally Focused Therapy (ICE EFT) – Sue Johnson
7 Tips for Establishing Mental Resilience
Sex, Sexuality & Orientation
Intersex Society of North America
InterACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD)
Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD-SMSNA)
Sex and Sexuality – American Psychological Association
ASSECT Certified Sex Therapists
Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States
Sexual Orientation: Science, Education & Policy
World Professional Association for Transgender Health
Understanding Sex Addiction Symptoms
What is Sex Addiction Treatment & Does It Work
Social Intelligence
Social Intelligence Institute on Character
Substance Use
Addiction Treatment Resources, Locations & Methods
Drug Rehab & Addiction Treatment
Gulf Breeze Recovery (non-12 step)
Sacred Connections – 12 Wisdom Steps (Native American and more)
honesty, hope, faith, courage, integrity, willingness, humility, love, justice, perseverance, spirituality, service
Telebehavioral Health Institute
ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences Study)
What does your ACE score mean? (you can take the quiz here)
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
Checkout “Trauma” on the Services page for more information.
TRE (tension, stress, and trauma release exercises) consists of 7 low impact stretches anyone can do. It’s one of a very few ways to indirectly relieve trauma; you don’t have to tell anyone any stories. TRE is also a great way to relieve everyday stress and a great way to cool down after a hard workout.
What is TRE? Interview with David Bercelli
A condensed explanation of TRE
An explanation of TRE from medical history
Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
Mikal Vega – retired Navy Seal
Veterans Sharing Their Experience with TRE
How TRE Can Assist With Sexual Trauma – Fiona Soma
Sensation through Vibration with TRE – Fiona Soma
TRE and Pregnancy
The practice of TRE during pregnancy and birth – 6 parts with Nienja Brouwer
What is the Anatomy of Trust – “BRAVING” – Brene Brown
15 Ways You’re Breaking Self-Trust – Julia Christina
Looking for something else, not finding it here, and can’t find it elsewhere? Send us an email or give us a call. We’ll do our best to get you an answer.